The Coyote Express is off and running as all three teams came away with victories at last Wednesday's meet in Cloverdale. The day was highlighted by Katy Lee's new course record in 19:28 and Jax Reiff's course PR in 17:39. After such a quality performance from the kids on Wed I was thinking that on Friday the kids might let down a little in the their work out. But no, they crushed it and worked hard during one of the most difficult work outs I gave them all year. I might have to give them a few more really hard workouts. I think they really enjoy them. Ha, ha gang.
What's Been Happening:
On Wednesday we ran our fifth league meet up in Cloverdale at the Asti Winery course. The JV boys and the Varsity girls started the meet off with both teams running their records to 5-0. The JV boys raced first across the line placing second overall was Johnny in 20:25. How does Johnny do it? Get all those great pictures and run all those great races? Our second runner was Eli in 20:53. Our next was Hayden in 20:58. This was the first time for Hayden to average under 7 minute miles. Fourth for us was Tristan in 22:05, with another strong performance. Following Tristan was Chauncey (22:06) who is starting to show more consistency in his running. Chris was next in 22:26, continuing to show great improvement. Sean (22:43) is showing signs of late season flash. Right behind Sean was Justin in 22:55, very sound effort. Closely following Justin was Oscar in 22:56, which was a 2.5 minute PR over last year. I couldn't be prouder of what Oscar has achieved with hard work. Next was Billy in 24:16. He had a little bit of a rough go, but still worked hard.
The Varsity Girls were lead by Katy in 19:28, a new course record. Strong performance, great run. Next was Kiana in 22:57. When the time is right, this Coyote is going to bust out a big one. Yzzy was our third girl in 25:51, a 3:20 PR. What can I say, but “Awesome!” Fourth was Claire in 26:04, fighting hard to the finish. Next was Sinclare in 26:41, rebounding with a very solid performance. Next across the line was Emily in 27:40. She continues to make a late season charge at a Varsity spot. Nora was our next runner at 29:13, a very sound effort. Next was Katherine at 30:32 and Amy at 30:33. Following these two was Shani in 30:39. She is fighting leg problems but continues to run through it. Next was Maddie at 31:02, this girl never gives up.
Varsity boys race Sonoma Academy 15 – Roseland Prep 47 The boys continue to be perfect in league. Not only have they gone 5- 0 for the season, but have won each meet with a perfect 15. Pure perfection. Leading the boys was Jax (17:39) who continues to show why he is one of the best runners in the CMC. Right behind Jax was Aaron in 18:00. One of his best races of the year. Third Coyote today was Austin O. in 18:19, showing a lot of heart with a big kick down the stretch. The fourth Coyote was Patrick in 18:38 which was 1:25 PR. He has had huge improvements all year long. Running a very strong race was Graham in 18:39, just so solid. Our sixth runner today was Jacob in 18:48. Jacob is fighting a bit of a cold, but fought through it to run strong. Next was Austin G. in 18:56, a 34 second PR. What can I say except he just keeps getting better and better. Next was Morgan in 19:34, a 2 second PR. He seems to be getting stronger from his mid season injury.
What’s coming up:
We're getting close to the end of the season. JV's only have 10 more days and their season will be over after our league championships.
On Tuesday of this week we will have no practice. There is no school that day and it is the day before a long trip and our last league meet in Ft. Bragg. Kids should run on their own that day. On Wednesday our meet is in Fort Brag and we will be running against Calistoga. It will be a good chance for us to go up and see the course we will be running next week at the league championship. We will be riding the bus. Athletes need to be on the bus, ready to go at 11:30.
Sunday we are going to have a pancake run. We will start at Howarth Park at 9 AM, go for run then we will enjoy a pancake breakfast. Parents, if you show up and run, we will feed you also. Yes, you must run to eat, no exceptions. This includes Athletic Directors and their assistants.